Advising Special Populations-PDF Download

Advising Special Populations-PDF Download


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ISBN: 978-1-935140-17-7

Editors: Linda Huff & Peggy Jordan

Academic advisors find themselves working with an increasingly rich mix of students. These students negotiate multiple issues related to their age and experience, sexual identity, ethnic and racial background, level of academic success, community college experience, and search for a major. Every institution numbers in its ranks students who fit into one or more of these groups. It is becoming increasingly important that academic advisors recognize, understand, and address the needs of our special student populations. Part of what makes these populations "special" is their clearly defined set of characteristics and needs. Another part is their academic advisors' dedication to acknowledging these particular needs and addressing them fully and respectfully while understanding that each individual is unique.

This monograph is designed to help advisors understand students who may possess common strengths, challenges, learning styles, history, academic and/or personal needs or other characteristics. This monograph highlights the features of each of the six special student populations represented, and offers advice to academic advisors and advising program administrators about how we can best serve/help these students.


Chapter 1: Adult Learners
Chapter 2: Community College Students
Chapter 3: LGBTQ Students
Chapter 4: Multicultural Students
Chapter 5: Students on Probation
Chapter 6: Undecided Students