A Faculty Guide to Academic Advising-Korean Version, 2nd edition - PDF Download

A Faculty Guide to Academic Advising-Korean Version, 2nd edition - PDF Download

Pocket Guides

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ISBN: 978-1-939213-32-7

A Faculty Guide to Academic Advising-Korean Version, 2nd edition

Academic advising is a central responsibility for most faculty. This makes the faculty advisor, as Marc Lowenstein (2005) noted, “… arguably the most important person in the student’s educational world.” Yet many faculty may not be clear as to why academic advising has such a profound purpose and influence or how to effectively make use of the time they spend with advisees. The NACADA Pocket Guide, A Faculty Guide to Academic Advising, 2nd edition, examines the partnership between teaching and advising, demonstrating that academic advising is not about registering students, but rather about student learning. This guide, authored by and for faculty advisors, offers practical suggestions and considerations that will help faculty advisors create productive advising relationships. Included are proven strategies for creating effective advising sessions, suggestions for being a resource referral agent, and strategies for beyond face-to-face conversations. Anchored with twelve practical tips for good academic advising, the guide also examines the importance of establishing trust, understanding confidentiality policy and law, and the core values of academic advising.

교수를 위한 학사지도 안내서, 제2판
학사지도는 모든 교수들에게 주된 책무이다. 그러므로 학사지도교수(faculty advisor)는, Marc Lowenstein (2005) 이 지적한 대로, “논의의 여지없이, 학생들의 교육환경에서 가장 중요한 사람” 임에 틀림없다. 그러나 많은 교수들은 학사지도가 왜 그렇게 중차대한 목표와 영향력을 지니는지, 지도학생과의 면담시간을 어떻게 효과적으로 사용할 것인지에 대해서 분명히 이해하고 있지 않다. NACADA에서 발간하는 포켓 가이드 시리즈 중, [교수를 위한 학사지도 안내서] 제2판 은 교육(teaching) 과 학사지도(advising) 간의 상호협력관계를 분석하여, 학사지도가 단지 학생의 등록에