Practical Strategies for Dealing with Complaints and Raising Compassion Satisfaction

Practical Strategies for Dealing with Complaints and Raising Compassion Satisfaction

Digital Recordings

ISBN: 978-1-939213-21-1

60 min – September 15, 2016 (DW70 – Season 11)
Panelists: Dawn Fettig and Megan Stephenson (University of Colorado-Boulder) and Josh Morrison (Ivy Tech Community College)

Sometimes, students come to the advising office with complaints; sometimes, advisors and/or administrators must deliver bad news. As representatives of their institutions primarily concerned with student success, advisors and administrators can take on the concerns of their students and experience stress, burnout, and other negative outcomes related to their work. In this 60-minute videocast presentation, through the use of actual student complaint scenarios, presenters Dawn Fettig and Megan Stephenson (University of Colorado-Boulder) and Josh Morrison (Ivy Tech Community College) explore situations which may cause advisors and advising administrators to take on those concerns. Viewers will learn practical strategies for avoiding burnout (compassion fatigue) by recognizing and dealing effectively with stress response, managing conflict, and promoting compassion satisfaction.